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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  February 10, 2013 7:00am-9:00am EST

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picking uu the the piices after being pattered by a powerful blizzard. the rising &pdeath toll anddthe nuuber of people without power at this hour. & hour. 3 3 chris brown had a close call after his car crashed iito a wall. what he toll police right afterrthe wreck. &p33 3 ááadlib over 3 ááadlib over weather shotáá3
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p3 sunday, february 10.ááadlib 3 3
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3 3 3 breaking ews... juut into our newsroom.right now... a rescue is underway in annn arundel county where we're told a shuttle bus overturned on ome ttacks... near b-w-i... damaging happened ,3 around 6:30.we're also told a trrpped and rescuers are working to free that peessn.
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-3 the collision is affecting story develops.the latest as this mornign news for stick with fox45 period oo time. undetermined rail serviie for an undetermined period of time. stick with foo45 morniin nnws -3 for the latest assttis ssory pevelops. 3 3 emergency and powwr crews are in full force this morning... cleaning up ffom the blizzard that rrppedd phrough the northeast. northeast. the powerful of snowwin ssme pprts of nee england. wicked winds & knocked own power lines... leaving hundreds off housaads of homes in the dark. we're told thht about 400- thousand customers are without power this morning. and... to ake matters worse... the utility companies are sayinn that some residents cold be powwrless for at least another day. new ork's gooernor has been urggng residents to stay out of the way. 3 "pleass stay ii your homes, we do not need ou on tteeroads, & you have aa arge number of -3 emergency vehicles and it is dangerous to be on the roads."
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3 some scchol districts have be no classessttmorrow. 3 the blizzard has ccaimed people... including thattof an carbon monoxideepoisoning. shoveeed out their snowed-in -3 car... and the oy then got inside the unning vehicle to stay warm. however, ppparaanly ssow covered the &pexhaast pipe..thus . filling the car with fumess 3 "ems and fire weee coming out with thh boy at point iigot a good look at his face, uh, eyes were rolled pack into his head, nd i'd before." the boy was pronouucee deed at the hospital. &p3- 3 it wasn't heavy snow but & wicked winds thattswept - through baltimore. the fierce winds picked up anything that was loose.... & rrmaining leaves....that wenn blowinn in the wind..
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3 when severe weathee happens and schools can acccss the latest information right on your cell phone.go to riggthanddcorner of the screen. download the fox45 mobile news we have a disturbing - story out of monngomery county this morning... a boy has of hissseven--onthhold sssstr. sister. 3 it happeeed at the family home on lockkood drive ii white oak. police say 144year-old jonathon aguu-llke was when e began beating her.... officials say the boy told police ttat he covered her home, she foond he child unreeponsive. investtgators are chhrging the 3 and... olice in new 3 trying to track downnthe shooter who opened fire into a crowd on boorbbn street. four peooll wounded as gunfiie
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erupted during mardi gras activities lasttnight. at 3 person is in critical conditionn. the stteets were filleddwith ith revelers as &thhy celeerated the ddys pefore fat tuesday. police -33 say thhy are singg surveillance viddo and cell phone video to helppthem find 3 a nine-year old girl is lending a hand to fire victims in howard county. lauren hontz brought blankets, pilloww and toiletries to statioo seven in columbia yesterday. its part of whht she calls "lauren's luggaae".....bbckpackssand packages of donattd items which she's gathered for the - victims of fires. the nineeyear old startedd ggtherinn the goods after fiie 3 (4:36:31) (lauren) "so aftee my fire i just wanted a -&pbbanket.;........i realll -&&pwanted after my fire." "for us, it'd been a rrally lauren has 3 was amazing...." &pamazing...!"was positive that wanttd to do that was ositive -33 ammzing...!"
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33 lauren has created a faceeook which is helping generate &pdonattins &p3 looking for ssmetting pifferent for our valentine's day?well, we have a sugggstion---how aaoot celebbating cupid's favorite & holiday with twist. ttist.amber miiler joins uss streaminn now live frommcharm - city movementtarts---where she's learning all about workshopss 33 cuppd's cabaree is
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3 cupid'' cabbret is his saturrdy ffbruary 16th at 8 p-m.audienne memmers aae encouraged to drees up as
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couple or single person. mariinne. 3 3 p coming p....a woman goes into labor right in the middle offthe blizzard. -3 blizzard.""o i wooe up arrond &p2.30, and i had contractions. contractions. 33whatthappened after e-mms crewsscouldn't make it to her home. 33 you're watthing fox45 morningg news... ll local....all mmrning.
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p some events just can't wait... even during a blizzard. a massachusetts woman went into labor right in theemiddle 33 the nationnl guard haa to 3 after e-m-s crews coulln't get forrunately... guardmen got to phe ome innthe nick oo time... & and mmm gave birthhto a 33 3 "i guess there is people like new year's babies anddstuuf like that. and i'' like, 'oh, - look, you're a new yeaa'' baby!'. well, mine is a blizzard baby. ""- " the baby has been named nohely... and dad calls his irrt a blessiigg 3 ááadlibbchatáá
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3 p,
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3 3
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3 - 3 we'd like to update you on an a rescue is underwwy in annn
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aruudel county where e''e &ptold a shuttle bus overturned p-w--... amaging happenee arounn 6:30.we're -3 also ttld the driver oothe vehicle is currently trapped and rescuerssare working to free that person.the collision ps affecting light rail service for an affecting light rail service for an undetermined period of timm. unnetermined 3 perroddoo time.stick wiih latest as tis story develops. comiig up... the heat'sson a -3 wedding cake o a same-sex couple. couple. the reason why the owners took 3 backlash they've received. 3 sinner chhis brownnis lucky to be aaive this morniig after his car barreled into a wall.
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what brown told police after the wwrck. you''e watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morring. 3 ((
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3 3 3& ssnger chris brown is recovering this morning after police say his car slammee into a waal.. brown told beverll hilll police that he waa being chased by somee & paaarazzi and lost control of &his porsche. he wwssnt hurt. 3 and... aawell-known &psheriff has added a big naae to his posse. shhriff joo 3 pteven seagal ii phoenix. seagal helped rained members - of aappio's "posse" offmore than three-thousand voluntters in hand-to-hand combat. hee plso ead thee through a &psimulated school shooting, where swaa deputies posed ass gunmmn in different sceearios. 3 conttoversy ii swirling around an oregoo bakery that rrfusee to sell a wedding caae to a same-sex couple. andrew padula reports that
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thebusiness has drawn thh attention of both sides offthe gay marriage debate. debatee 3 honkk of support saturday afternoon for about 50 3 by melissa inngresham. says can'ttwe all just eat cake... equal rights for all. 3 owners whipped uu a huge controversy last week -- reeuuing to bake a lesbian couple's wedding caae. it haa been a black couple people would be up in arms... & a lt more thhn they are now.)) protesters 3 byydiscriminatiig aaainst the brides to be. - mos says::business wners do hhve the right to refuse servicee o anyone... anyone is a universal propertt. but hen that refusal of service iss solely bbsed on sommone's sexual orientttion. no other reason. tat is a crime. not so says daniela muuech --- ho showed up to protest the protesters. he sides with the owners - who say their religion is the reaasn thee
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-3 didn't bake the coupll's cakee muench saas: if he believes n god... and he full heartedly does not - believe innsaae ssx marriage -3 then he shouldn't have to bake p caae for them. he should bee 3without all this backlash.)) despite the protest outside - sweet cakes 3 supportive cuutooers boeetccer says: i appreeiate the fact that thee''r standdng up for whattthey elieve inn and i want to show them &psuupprt siineethere 3&psuppoot. owners aaron klein and hii wife melissa say the backlash has een harsh put they're standing by their me feel good to knoo that even though everyone seems to think that portland and the -3 suurounding areas are so 3& cnservative christians out there ttat want to make their voices heerd. 3 coming uu... t appearrshome 3 up. the clues to use before selling your homm. 3 police are trying to 3 suspect. what he victim is saying.yoo''e watching fox44 morning news... pll local.. all morning.
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3 ((breakk2))
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33 ii appears the houuing mmrket might bb -3 picking up some steam. experts oo whether it'sstime & to buy a hooe. 3 the housing market 3 in thh u-s economy. homeownership is at 15-year lows after the financial crisis of 2000 popped the very iiflated hhusing bubble.
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& but houses are starting to -3 sell agaan as the real estate -3 recovery picks up somee say nowwis the erfect time to invest in eal estate.hurn - says: "there's a lot of &ppourageous small business ownerr who are ttkkng this downturn as an opportunity, which it is, to buy discountedd pcommerccal real estate." sharessof home building ccmpanies are already seeing &pgood sign that americans are real estate.marchiol ssys: "the general publii is coming around, here's exactly whats &ppappening- forrclossrre are down don't let that fool you. ww're coming out of the mire but we aren't out of the mire all the wwy yet. we have a lot through, especiilly in judicial stttes. but whats happening is organically people are starting to sell." but tte economy is still &pfragilea"a&is anothee housing bubble bound to burst? talked about qqantitative easinn and traditionally he way unliquid assets like houuing work is when they get &phit by a llt of liquiiity assst priies spike, when ttee get scared, they quickly retreatt asset prices fall. phat lookk xaatly like the
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pattern we hhd, and it looks exactly like the pattern we might have again." - eether way,,morttage construction of new homms is sseing the bestt3-monthh perfoomaaceesince the enndof the recession. log on to fox bbsiness dot coo for more. & pn new york, i'm tracy byrnes. -33 pcming up....the manhunt intensifies for ffrmer cop people. ne of the susppctts ttrgets is speaking & 3 ((amber ive tease))),3 ((break 4))
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the jaakpot is up to á400 -& dollars.áyour next chance too win in ur freebruary
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contest... monday on fox45 morning news.3 3 3 ááadlib over weather shotáá 3& ááádlibbchat with 3 tonyáá 3
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3 3 p,,3 an update oo a story weeve been foolowinggall mmrningg.. wwere a shhttle bus overrurnee on route oneeand 170... in
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anne arundel county.we're ttld... raffic on termiial road is now open to cars... 3 still interrupped and willlbb pracck are daaaged.around 6:33 a shuttle bus and car colllded... llaving the driver of the bus trrpped.that person is now reed.... and the two passengers on the bus have been taken to the hospital, but are expected to be word on the conniiion of the people in tte tter vehicle. stick with fox455 ornign news for he lateet as this storr 3 p pooice in southern palifornia have set p a task force aimed at capturrng the -3 former cop who's accused of killing ttree people in a &revenge lot. plot. the search or christopher dorner haa been concentrated in mountain resort toww near los angeles. the llssanneles policc capttii who's een naaed as a --3& ttagee in a fugitive former cop's onnine manifestt says he
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is taking the hreat against him seriously. captain phil tingirides says he hasn't been able to leave his was seeeing revenge against former lapd colllagues that dorner blames for enninn his career. officials say the search has intennified. 3 we will look underrevery rock, we will look around every corner and we will search pountaintops forrhim. 3 p3 c-n-n has acquured this surveillance video frrm an auto parrs store in san iego &pcounty. it appears to show dorner tossing aamagazine full oo bullets and a illtary belt intooa dumpster. this video is from onday ... the day after ddrner from monday ... -3 thh day after dorner allegedly shot nd killed two people. &p3 police in howaad county areeaskkng for your - help in tracking doww a hit and run susppct. 3 on thursddy "billl lester""says he was walking too work cedar lane n ccoumbia.
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when he attempted to cross the street he was suddenny hit by a car. lester says now he just &wants the person resspnsiile tt come forward. 3 "this is unreal... if this was your faaher, would you run from your own father? if someone was t it your mooher, would ou run from your own mother?" mother?" lestee says he doesn'ttremembbr uch about the accident.....ut does remember the side mirror falling off. the criminal. 3 prince george's coontt & police are investigating a fattl shhoting that involved bladensburg. they say officers were called to an apartment builling where a woman was braanishing a knife -3 in the hallway. authhrities say the woman luuged at the offiiers with the knife, aad the officerr shot the woman. she died. he officers have beee placed on administrative leave. 3 a boyyhas been charged with the murder of his seven--onth old sister. happened at the famill home on lockwood drive in white oak. poliie say 14-year-old jonathon agui-lukee
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3 sister when he began beating her.... officials say the poy told police that he - covered her nose and mouth in child unnesponsive.. pnvestigators are chhrging the 14--ear old as an adult.& p3 a former maryyand first -3 lady is expected to ppearrat a forum for candidates seeking couuty eeecutive john leopold. leopold. kendel ehrlicc, - thh wife of former governnr robert ehrlich, will join the forum thursday. the west &pccunty republlccn club is hosting the forum at the west county area library in odenton. applications for the county executtve seat must - be submitted to theecounny council by noon friday. leopold resigned after he aa &pmisconddct. 3 forget the raditional dinnerr & valeetine's day one to remember by going to the ircus! circus!amber miller is strrammng
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now llve from charm city ovement arts where she's learning all about its -3 upcomiin eveet: cupid's cabarett 3 audience members are encouraged to come dressed likk their favorite celebrity -3 couppe or ingle person.the & evenn is thisssaturday at 8. marianne. 3 3 marianne.
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3 3 3 its the sweetest night where waterfront.....its a marriitt tonight at he affair was held the chocolate night in town..
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town.. hh ccocolate affair was held toniggt at the marrioot wattrfront.....its a night where baltimore's fiiest ressaurants.....catereessand - chocolatiers how off theer bestt hocolateecreations.... the event raises resources thht help healthcare for the homeless fillfill its mission... 3 3 (29:32)we provide......the chocolate affair makes that possibbe...(:45) -3 possible...((45)chocolate affair makes that possible...(:45) poosible...(:45) 3 laat year the event raised more han two hundred and fffty thousand dollaar......this year organizers are expecting to -3 raise much more... 3 mark your calendars!the b-more healthy expo returns to baltimore... saturday, &februuay 23rd. can get health screenings... see 3 stages of 3 and fun kids zone... and much -3 mmch more.the b-more healthh expo ssarts at 100a-m at the bbatimore convention center on pebruary 23rd.we'll see you there!
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3 cooing up... gunfiie man dead. what triggered the shooting 3you're watchinggfox45 morningg news... all local... all mornnng. ((break 5)
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3 a division 2 men's college & basketbaallggme in denver was postponee because a ppayer's dunk smashed the backboard. shards of glass were flyiig all over thee pace after tte dunn.the game ill be resumed toniggt.nobody was injjred. p3& ááadllb chatáá
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3 meteorologist)) commng up... ((vo)) police ssy a gunman is in pustody afttr a shooting aa aa - mall. why one of the victim's relatives allo wws arrested. and... folks are ready po rock attthe grammys tooight..--3 how newcomers might be stealing theeshowyoo're 3all local.. all morning.. &
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3 & 3 new thii morning... a man was shot and killed in mall parkinn lot in eastern -3 texas. police say the shooting was triggered by an
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officials arrested theegunmmnn relative of the victim was also arrested after allegedly chhrging through police ines at the ccime scene..- p3 more thann66--housand proteeters hit the streets in ireland's capital to rally against budget cuts. - similar rallies were held arouud the country. protesters were speaking out aaainst the government'ss patiinal debttburden. thee demonstrations were organized by an irish trade union. -3 3 ((nats)(celine singing)) sinning))ásingerrceline dion stooe tte show at a feetival - in chinaashe performed the chinese song "jasmine flower." chinese!sheesays musicc transcends all bbundarres. 3 the grammy awaads are 3& nishelle turner has more on the new artists are up for top aaards..-
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awardss 3(nats)"we are young" ... that pould be the theme of "the 55th annuul grammy awards." "it'ssbeen an incredible yeaa in music. t feels llke - alternative musiccis back." on veterans like springsteen or dylan. it's aboutffn. -- and the lack keys, and - pumford and sons, and frrnk oceen and jack white.they're all nominated for 3 "album of the yyar," and they're alllin their 0s or -3 addition, mumford and sonss dan auerbach from the black keess frank ocean nd fun. go into sunday's ceremony with six nods piece -- matchinggnominations earned by hip-hop heavvweights jaa-z and & kanye west..nats)bbt this ppst pear, atteetion was 3&pfocused on the reakout starr
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-- mmsttnotably fun-- he power op trro rom new york-- shot toostaadom with this emmtional erformance on "llte niggt with jimmm fallon," & phere he sang about an unrequited llve with another man.(nats) both oceaa and fun are 33 artist," along with country multi-inntrumentalist huuter hayes..."it's aaesooe to have nominatiins for my debuut record."blues-rock groupp two yearssago, what were you guys doing, weren't you -3&pmail."and folk-rock trio, the sleepinn in people's riend's houses, then going to six -3 people n a hotel room, to now, grammy nominations..(natt) on sunday, look for justin
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timberlakk's first grammy performance in four years... rihanna's firrt solo turn at the grammys since a physical allercation with chris brownn caused her to cancel in 2000... and a collaborationnfeaturing bruno maas, sstng and rihanna. nischelle turner, -n-n, loo angeles.- 33 coming up... fast-food restturants are shrinking their portions..-&pportions. the reel reasoo why tte pomppnies are going small. ((break 7))
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3 3 ((bump in))
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3 3 own parry. face criticism happee , she cculd if that should pritzker to head hyytt otel billionaire nd &ppick chicago indicctionn that there are also resident obama.been repeatedll kinds of fund in the caymaa too $100,000 in an reveal he held - up finaacial hearing. confirmation troubles in facing nee jacc leew ii also &psecretary nominee forwwrd."be supplied befooe the committee has he documenns thiss absolutely essential thaatto be a benghazi whht they believe answers frrmmthe they get more nominaaton until -3 deeeemined to republiicns - wwekk.but some hearing this performeddwell in johnn&pbrennan, wwo new ssrutiny,,cia shoccing."mean that was didnt -3&pknow thaa our policy me policy towards iran nominationn shocking tooleaning toward no on this deeply oncerned about ayotte says: "i'm really 3 -3 33 pressdenn obama's secood-term cabinet s shaping up to look a lot different from his first. with po many hhgg-profilee opeennns...the preeident has a -&&pchancc to push his team in a new direction. but first.... hh needs to get hiss -&p doug mckelway has an update oo the statussof the 3 confirmation process.
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3 phe rocess of confiimation for secretary of tateejohn kerry wws unusually smooth, &pbut it could be rougher 3 nomineee. the presideet is still standing by his nominee for defense secretary - former senator chuckkafter hhgel's sometimes halling, about tte defense ppck.ayotte says: "i'm really deeply concerned about what i saww last weekkimmleening toward no 33 me policy owards iran fundamental threat he 3&pdidnntknow that oor policy was nnt ontainmmnt, i ean that was shocking." also facing new scrutiny, cia director nomiieeejohn brennan, who performed well in hiss connirrationnhearing this week..but somee epublicans & seeators are determmneddto hold up his nomination until they get more answers from tte administration on whaa they - believe to be beeghaai cover-up.burr says::""t's
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absolutely essential that the documents this committee has & requesteddon benghazi be supplied before the confirmation moves forrard." 3 jack lew s also facing new potentiaa troubles in aavancc of his confirmation hearing. financial disclosure --3&pforms reveal he helddup o ffnd in the caymaa isllnds. these kinds of invessments haveebeen repeatedly - criticized by president obama. there are also indicaaions that the president may pick chiccgg billionaiie and yatt hotel heiress, pennn pritzker to head commmrce. ii that ssould happen , 3 3 (mar))is doing ore than just ttning up among he mufflerr and drills aan the hum of mmtors... 3 ccming up in our 7 o''lock & hhur... 3 33
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3 3 ((amber ad-libb)) 3 p3 it's probably one of the best systems i've seen because it piiks up, you know, tte suspenned drivers, the plates, &pyou gettwarrant information of the plates, and it leads to some really gooddarrests." arrests." tracking you every any given. the new technology that'll llow police to check your license
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3 a photo f ppesideet obama holling a hunting rifle has gone viral. how one toy company is cashing in on the hype. 3 3 3- ,3 & 3 this weekends
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3&pblizzards has 3&paa updateeon a & ddveloping story we've been - following alllmorning...where a shuttle bus struck a pole - and overturned on some lighh 3 county.we're told... raffic on terminallroad issnow open to cars... but the light rail service is still inttrrrpted 3 and will be foo awhhle...because the tracks are happened around 6:30.the driver of the bus was trapped.. but has since been freed.that person and a passenger on the bus.. wwre taken to the hospptal, but are expected to be okay. a third service nd was released on the scene.
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& 3 this weekends &pblizzards has reated one hhge headache for ravelers. &p most flights in nd out of baltimore wwre panceled....ann train ervices between new york and boston were shutdown tooo & crews worked through thh night to clear tracks f snow and drrvers say the storm has it them hard as well. "when i was leavingg n, trainn &pdelayed, buses canceled people scurrying get ut f tte city -3&as snow came and thingssgot later were trying to et too where they were ggong" going" 3"yea ii kinn of sucks becauue at the point you know itt coming you can get aa eaalier fliiht but you re kind of out of lucck luck" as of this &pmorning moot flights rr running on time. &pbut many are stilled deeayyd. p well we know hundreds offpeople regret their decision to braveethh roadd in
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new york saaurdayynight. this was the rrsult after hundreds of cars and trucks 3 expressway. the cars - aad truckssactually outnumbered the tow trucks and other crews sent to help. the rrad is oww - cllsed.....and hhavy-duty constrrction trucks arr &pthh expressway. when ssvere weather happens and schools close.. you can access thh latest information right on pour cell hone.go to foxxaatimore dot com and look for "mobile" at the op &prighthand cooner of the download thh ox45 mobile news app for your ddoid or i-phone. a monttooeryy ounty teen is ii jaii this morning..... 3 7-month old ister. sister. 3 it happened a tte family home on occwood drive in white oak. according to police, 14 year olddjonnthon agui-luke was watching his little siittr when he began beating er.... &p he tells police he then covered hhr nose aad mouth in & an attempt to stop her from returned home, she found the
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child nrrsponsive. investigators are charging the & 14-yeaa old as an adult. police in howarr &phhlp in tracking down a hit 3& on thursday "bill lestee" saysshe was waakinggtoo - wwrk cedar laae in columbia. wwen he attemmted to cross the street he was & suddenly hit by a car. lester says now he just - wants the person responsible to come forward. 3 "this is unreal... if this was your father, would you un from your own fathhr? if someone as to hit your mother, would yyu un roo yoor own mother?? mothhr?" lester says & he doesn't remember muchhabout the does remember the side mirror falling off. evidence.... howard county police hope will help catch the crimmnal. 33 if the thoughttof inhaling a whole pepperoni pizza or scarfing a big mac triggerr your guilt...yoo may feel bbtter consuming these items in smaller bites instead. latess chaan to offer
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sized-down products. &pit added mmnn pizzzs to its menu.. pizza hut is -3 not the only commany siiing llanch their fiss mcbites this monnh. eepertsssay itt --3 not all aboot helpinn you at -3 lesss..sizing down also helps commodities prices. 3 lookinggfor something different for yoor valentine's day?well, we haveea suggestion---how about celebbating cupid'' favorite holiday with twist. twist.amber miller jjonssus 3& she's learninggall bout vallntine-themed "circus" workshops. 3 cupid's cabaret is 3&pthii saturday february 16th aa 8 p-m.audience members are encouraged
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3 to dress uppas their favoriie celebrity couple or single person.marianne. -&p3 noticing a dent in yyur's probablyy & to fill uu aa tte pump. & 3 triple is rrportingg the price of gas is averaaing three dollars and 58 cents a galloo. but hat's up eight ents from just a week ago..... and 16 cents from a month ago. but on the bright side ggs is & still cheaaer thannthe all - time high of fourrdollars and 11 cents a gallon bacc in july 2008.
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3cominggup... they're trrcking yoor every move. moveeit's just another tool ttat we use that can enhaace our ability to solve these crimes." crimee." the neww technology police arr using to invading yourrrrght to privacyy 3 p a deedly bus crass kills 12 people. lost ontrol on a mountain -3 rood. you're -3&pwwtching foo 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning.
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new technology 3 allows police officers tooread and whileemany cops applaud the advancc system....some say it may lead tt privacy issues. dane ppacko gives you a look insiie a trend that's spreading fast throughout poliie deeartments. 3 take a riddewith lemont police you'll hear ooething... and ver. that constant beeping comes from hesee
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automaaic license platee readers--or a-l-ppr's-- mounted on top of his squad. - sot --officer camardo says: "... t's a tool thatts just incredible..sot - placko ssyss "... it's kind of revolutionizing policing."sot - officerrcamardo says:: ... it takes away from all the puessinn, and running plates manually." every time & pne of the alpr cameras sees a license plate, it takes a hot iss of stolen cars, stolen plates, and cars involved in an amber alerts or ottee crrmes. it can handle hundreds of plates a minutt.sot - officer camardd & says: "'s prooably one -of the best systems i've seen because it picks up, you know, -3the sussended drivers, the plates, you get warrant information of the platee, and it leads to someereally good arrests." the technollgy is spreadinn fast thhoughout - police departments. chicago haa 31-vehicles equipped with the readers. cook county uses it too. streamwood, and hanover park. &p but with the rowing debate over what do to with
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-33 all that data.sot - yohnka says: "... a larre number oo license plates of people, who have done nnthinn more particular place, at a 3 filed a seriee of freedom of information requusts with police deeartments across illinois, askingghhw long police are keeppnggthe data. in some eparttents, like wiped clean from the computer after every shift. but -3 in others, likeeburbank, 3 ddtabbse o eveey liceese plaae its maahines see.... every location....every minute...whether ssoeone's at -3 work, at a doctors & appointment,,or at a bar.. there's a record. and most ddivers we talkee to had no idea.sot - placco says: &p"... did you know that your pllte was beinn reed y this teehnology while you drive through town?"mos: "no."sott- placko says: " had no idea?"mos: "... uh uh."sot - mos: "...a little innrusive, i thiik. you know what i mean?" sot - mos: "... i gott - nothing to orry about, so i'm &pnot complaining." burbank's alprrreaders went
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live in january 2012, andd since then police have gattered more than - 6222thousanddliccnse plate 3& "... we're hoping to expann it. burbank division chief joe ffrd says keeping the data could help them solve crimesssot - ford says: "... use that can enhance our ability to solve these crimes.""- sot yohhka says: "... that kind of intrusion into peoples lives, that following and tracking them for no particulaa reason ii just something that i think not only ffends our ccnncience n - many ways, you know it's kevin shaughnessy loves he &psyssem, but says his pepartment hassno reason to store the data it colleets.sot --shaagnessy ssys: "... that wws sooething we really didn't peel had ann value or worth." his department only ussss the devices to run plates againss the state's hottlist. and sure enough, ust a -3 few minutes into our rrie along, aahit. officer camardo's onboard computer tells him the platesson that
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out, the driver ádidááreport the plates stolen, but forgot -&pthem. no arrest, and officer camardo sends the driver on his way.sot - psaugnessy ssys: "".. i'm very pleased wiih the wwy thhe system works and i think one 3 coming up...
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presiient obama may be iving barbie ann pen a rrnnfor their money.. 3 how you can get -3 your hands on this "skeett 3 thhs weekk.. erica and arthur - ... our weeding in a week coupll will tie he knoo -live on air!but efore that happens... the planning bbgins and you can be a part of it! startinggtomorrow... cheek our websitt... daily to vote on details for the couple's wedding.then on friday,, februaay 15th.... erica and fox45 mmrning news! - you're watching fox 45 mooning & neww.. ll local.. ll morning. 3 ((break 2))
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3 3 nee this morning.... california continue their hunt
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suupected ggnman. officials are -3 chriitopher dorner where they 3 p005 nissan ick-up. dorner is accused f killing at least three people nd wounding two others over several days. dorner thheatened to wage war 3 families...because he felt he was unfairly dismissed rom the police ffrcee 3 new this morningg.. dead after a bus carrying &pphilean occer ans crashed near santiaao. early saturday morniig police sayythe ddrvvr of the bus....carrying 45 passengers.... lost control on & p mountain roadd....falling 98 p2 peopll were hurt. tte fansswere returning from a soccer game. 3 p dozens gathhred for a rally i south florida to honor trayvoo martin. frrends, familyyand supporteess marched for peace. - hollywood tar jamie foox also joiied in. nearly a year ago martin was shot and killed by neighborhood 3 who ays he shot the teen in self deffnse. martin would
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have turned 188earliee this -& week. 3 investigators are still determining what caused - an explosion and fire t a 3 texas. saturday mooning the blast bbew apart a building at the plant....leaving a smoking hole in the grrund. city officials say residents are not in danger. & boeinggsays the test -3&pflight of its 787 reamliner saturday it took off and & after more thaa two hours in flight.. thh f-a-a & could monitor the performance of the aircraft's batteries. thoseebatterres havv beennatttte center of several issuee....innluding fire that led theef-a-a to ground the eetiir drramliner ffeet. plans to resume fliggts will tart neettweek. comiig p... 3 "it's bsolutely essential that the documents this committte has requested on beeghazi be supplied bbfore the onfirmation moves
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forward."á -3 president obama. is shaaing up his second term cabinet. but he needs tt get why lawmakers say that wonnt be an easy ask. 3 steven tylee puttingghis ffot down against papparrazzi. the legal steps he's taking that could put them behind bbrs. you're wwtching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ll
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3 its been a & year since iiooii singgr whitney houston diee. p3& find oot whaa legendary prrduccr clive davis did to honor her memoryy 3 ((amber livee- adlib))
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3 3 3 3 an update on a
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3 developiig story we've been ffllowinngall morning....hhre -3 aashuttle bus struck a pole and verturned on some light raal tracks... on route one and 170... in anne arundel -3 county.ww're told... traffic on terminallroad is now open to cars... but thh lighttrail service is still interrupted -3 and will be or & aahhle...because the tracks are damaggd.ii haapened around & 6:30.theedriver of the bus was trapped.. but has since een &pfreed.that person and a passsnger on the bus.. weree expected to beeokay. a third passenger refused edical service anddwas releesed onn -& hh scene. 3 emergency aad ower crees are still in full foocc - from thh blizzard thattripped &pttrough the northeast.
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northeast. the -33& powerruu storm dumped up to ttree feet f snow in some &pparts of new england. &p wicked winds knocked down powerrlines... leaviig hundreds of thousands of homes in theedark. thousand customerssare without power this morning. and....toomake matters worse... the utility companies pre saying that some residents &ppcold be powerless for at - leest another day. some school districts have already announced there will be no classes tomorrow. 3 the weekenns wwntery weatter took quite a toll on fllghts out of wi. but at last offfliggts that were cancelled beginnig friday aal but seven areenow runninggon time. 3 ekkowned johns hopkins surgeon dr ben carsoo -3& is makinggwavvs in washington this week. -3 3 docttr arsoo spoke out against political corrretness....the national & debt....obamacare...anddbig government....withhthe presideet sitting onll a few - 10 o'clock hour i'll it down
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wiih octor carson live to talk more about he's thoughts at the national prayer breekfast. 3 to hear all of dr. ben carson's speech log on to foxbaltiioreecom go to the neww menuand hen click on the "your voice... your future" section. 3 in just two days president obama will give hii second nd last state of union & address.. the president's top prioritiis are gun control, climate change, immigrationn reform.....ann most of alll .....he nation's job crisis. experts suggest a call &pfor job creation and wage growth will be the speech's recurring themee planning o announceethe next stepp in ending theeu-s military effort in 3 topics will ake the staae of -the union the most watched speech remaining in obama's presidency. 3 president bama's second-term cabinet is shaping up to look a lot ifferent
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from his ffrstt with so many hiih-profile openings...the president has a chance to puuh his eammin a newwdirection. ut firstt... he needs to get his new nomineee confirmed. douu mmkelway has an pdatt on the status of the prrsidenn's picks and the confirmation rocess.. 3 p3 the process f conffimationn 3 kerry wassunusually smooth, but it could be roughee saiilng for ssme of the president's other cabinet nominees. the president ps stiillstanding bb his 3 - former senatorrchhck after hagel's sooetimes halting, &psometimes uninformed testimony -3 at his confirmation hearing - testimony that ssemee to confirm epublican doubts about the defenseepick.ayotte &psaas: "i'm rrally deeply concerned aboot what i saw last week im leaning toward no on this nominatton shocking to fundamenttl threat he 3&pdidnn know that our policy wass pot cootainment, i mean that was shockiig." also
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pacing new scrutiny, cia directoo nominee ohn reenan, who performed well in his confirraaion hearing this week..but some rrpubllcans senators are determined to hhld up his nomination until - they get more answers rom the administratiin on what they believe to be a benghazi absolutely esseetial that the doouments this committee has requessed on benghazi be confirmation moves forwarr." treesury secretary nominee & jack lew is also acing new potential troubles in advancc of hii confirmation hearing. p financial disclosure $100,000 in an offshore hedgge these kinds of investments have been repeatedly - criticized by presidenn obama. there aae also indicaaions that the presiient may pick chiccgo billionairr and hyatt hotel heiress, pennyy if that shoull happen , she coold face criticism from -3 within her own party.
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3 first lady michelle obama was in her hometown thhs weeeend to attend tte uneral of a 15-year-oll girl who was haydia pendleton marched in -& president obama's inauugral &pparade. but just killed while walking homeefrom school. haydia was kkllee just a mmle rom he firss family's home ii chicago. her mother is expecced to attend the presidennts state of the union & address on tuesday nnght.. 3 former illinois congressman jeese jackson in the alleged misuse of camppign funds. 3 the charge accordingg to experts would likelyybe mail or wire fraud which carries aapenalty of up tt fiie yearssii prison. law officials say jackson's bi- ppllr disorder will likely be a factor in his plla. 3 tomorrow ill be a year that the world was rocked &pby the news that whitney - houston had died just hourss 3 thhs weekend davis paid trrbute to houston
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at his pre-grammy partt inn beverly hills. davis -3 played a rarely scene video of -3 ""ll the manni need". whhtney's mother was invited to ddvis party... but she declined the invvtation.... saying she didn't want to be died. 3 a potennial new law takes its name froo hawaai to testify to lawmakers -3 about paparazzi. the "steven tyler act" mirrors a similar law in california... &pgiving publlc figures a route to sue pople wwo take someejournaliits havv warned thaa the bill would not just punish paparazzi.... buu reporters as well. 3&pforget theetraditional diiner and aamovie.instead make this valentine's day one tt -3 remember by ggiig tt the circcs! circus!ammer miller is streaming now ive from charm
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city movement arts where she's learning all abouttits upcooing event: cupid's cabaret.. audiencc embbrs
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3& are encouraged to come dressed - like tteir faaorite 3 ceeebrity couple or single -3 perssn.the event is this saturrayyaa 8.marianne. 33 3&p there's a new 3 action figure in town and he''s packing heat. after a recently releassd photo of president obama skeet shootingga camp &pdavid has goneeviral..... aa connecticut toy company is hoping to cash in oo the hypp. tte doll comes with its own huntinn rifle and "clay pigeon" t-shirt" presiddnt obbma isn'tttte only polltical igure to be -3 turned in an action figure. the company also makes vvce pressdent joe biden and aa
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palin. p3 ccming up... ice hockey s no ssort for a 3& inging---- &pfinnout what happened when 3 skate onnthe ice. 3& mark your calendars!the b-moreehealthy expo returrs to bbltimorr... saturday, february can ggt health screeniigs... see 3 stages of álivváá entertainment... a fit and fun & kids zonne.. ann much much more.the b-more hhelthy expo ssarts at 10 a-m at the baltimore ccnvention ceeter on february're watching fox 45 morning news.. all locall. all morning.
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3 hockky team's special guest stole the show duurng the nationallanthem.. ttke a - looo. 3 ----nats of singng---(but show bird flying away)--- away)--- that's queen 3 viitoria.....the condor.... with er wrannler.. and & pheedefinitely showee she was queen that day. viccoria was ccnter ice forrthe game.... but didn't really care for that location.... so &pshe bolted. her wrangler "joe" tries too et her.... but she slides... nd so does joee....taking a tumble on the ice. victoria eventually goes iito the players tunnel. prooably the last ccnddr to visit the team. - 3 (toss to weather))
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3&p3 ((addlib meteorologist)))--3 3 coming up...
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3 looking to lose a little wwight. weeght. licensed dietitian kelly o'connoo is pere to show you the seven
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3 ssven pounds in just one week. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3
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3 pear eee. just about everrone's new year's -3 resolution is to lose. and if you haven't started already.... liiense dietitian kelll o'connorr s hhre with her "virgin diet". -so - what exactly is a virgin 3diet. 3&p - do you still diet. &pexactly issa virgin
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3 diet. - dooyou still have to exxrciie 3 - can anyone do it. ( adults, kids, pregnant womenn 3 coming up... with all that cold and windy weather this weekend could we finally be seeing relief. tooy paanotti will have your full seven day forecast just after the break. pouure watchinn fox 45 morning
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ctor ben 3 carson will be here to taak about what he thinks about president obama aad his plans for the countty's futurr.
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